In this work, the authors present a comprehensive methodology for multizone sound field reproduction using specially designed speech masking filters. The masking filters are designed to maximise speech privacy and quality. Trade-offs between speech privacy and quality are shown to exist and parameters are provided in the methods to control those trade-offs. An accurate and precise formulation of grating lobes from spatial aliasing in multizone reproduction scenarios is provided and used to enhance the masking filters. The mathematical descriptions and thorough methodology are evaluated using simulations and a real world implementation of a multizone sound field reproduction system.
Tag: intelligibility
Paper: Improving Speech Privacy in Personal Sound Zones
Presented at ICASSP 2016, we explore ways to improve speech privacy in multizone soundfield reproductions using intelligibility metrics, all while maintaining high speech quality.
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The Speech Transmission Index (STI) for MATLAB
There are a few robust algorithms available to objectively measure the intelligibility of speech. They compare what is heard by a listener to the information that was transmitted by the talker, however, only one of these available algorithms works in reverberant rooms and at the time I was looking for an implementation for MATLAB, I couldn’t find any, zilch. So, I decided to code it from scratch myself and will show you how to do it step by step. Continue reading The Speech Transmission Index (STI) for MATLAB